Monday, September 24, 2007

Hispanics: The Future of Texas Politics?

Is the hispanic vote going to be the election breaker in future elections? The studies show YES! In fact they already are. Hispanics are the fastest growing minority in Texas. In fact they are the fastest growing minority group in the country. The studies show that with the massive growth of Hispanic voters, Texas politics could swing to whichever party can catch the most latino votes thus breaking the Republicans stranglehold on texas. The business world has already been caught in this latino storm. Businesses are changing their marketing tactics in order to get a slice of the latino's estimated 1 trillion dollar money pie. In order to do this, they must appeal to latino interests. Politics are no different. From the polls taken, the latino population view education, employment. and health care as their primary issues. If either political party decides to ignore the latino vote, it will be political suicide for them in Texas. Latino's are the second largest minority right now, but it may not be long before they are the top minority in texas. The latino influence will only grow larger in politics with time.

This post is based off of the Article
from the Austin-American

1 comment:

Bill Pickle said...

On the one hand many hispanics have tradional family values that Republicans say they believe in. On the other hand, if you look at the latin world, hispanics tend to vote in corrupt socialist that eventually become dictators. The future will be interesting.